If you are visiting this page, I’ll assume you pretty much everything that had to be seen or that interested you somehow in this website. This page is for stuff that I really did not wanna to keep off the website but it couldn’t fit anywhere else.
So far there where just materials made by me, in this section I recommend what I think to be useful to every physics student and in a certain extent to every student.
Young Researchers of Quantum Gravity: The YRQG is definitely one of those places where you learn a lot and unfourtunately is not a well known series of seminars. YRQG consists in series of seminars made by researchers in the field of quantum gravity showing their work to other researchers in the field, you don’t need to be a Phd to be part of this iniciative although if you don’t have physics background at a certain level, it may be hard to follow.
The Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime: For closer friends, QISS is a iniciative much similar to the YRQG, but with the aim of brigging together experimentalists, quantum information physicists and quantum gravity physicist.
When studying anything, one of the firsts steps that I always go for is how that subject developted throughout history, and in middle of it I was got astonished by quotations on that topic. But quotations do not got me thinking just in the realm of physics and maths, but life in general. So here you’ll find quotation that marked me someway through my life, ordered according to author and if possible, date.
You have no idea how high I can fly.
Michael G. Scott (Steve Carrell), in The Office, S05E20: “New Boss”
It should be clear that there is no real content to these proofs: all one has to do to obtain a proof is keep from getting confused.
Robert Geroch, in Mathematical Physics (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1985).
It is also possible that the function is non-analytic and does not admit a perturbative expansion. But these are merely words.
Antony Zee, in Fly by Night Physics: How Physicists Use the Backs of Envelopes (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2020).